Tool and Die Makers Job Description



Man the Tool

書名:Man the Tool-maker,語言:英文,ISBN:9781014264749,頁數:172,作者:Oakley, Kenneth Page 1911-,出版日期:2021/09/09,類別:人文社科.

Man the Tool-Maker - Oakley, Kenneth Page Man the Tool-Maker: 9780226612706: Oakley, Kenneth Page: 圖書. ... Man the Tool-Maker. 6th 版本. ISBN 13 碼: 978-0226612706, ISBN 10 碼: 0226612708.

Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers' Association(THTMA ...

Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers' Association(THTMA) 台灣手工具工業同業公會。

Tool and die maker

They make jigs, fixtures, dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools, gauges, and other tools used in manufacturing processes.

Tool Maker Vise

Gin Tech tool maker vise have stronger compact structure as well as longer durability. Please visit the following to obtain more Tool Maker Vise product ...

Tool Maker

Responsible for the repair, maintenance and improvement to all tooling dies, jigs, fixtures and fittings for press tools, CNC equipment in line with production.


A toolmaker is a machinist who makes precision tools for use in manufacturing. As a toolmaker, responsibilities include reading and interpreting engineering ...

What does a tool and die maker do?

A tool and die maker specializes in designing, crafting, and maintaining precision tools, dies, molds, and fixtures used in the manufacturing process.

